Book a Librarian

Optimise your information retrieval. Let us help you find what you need for your project, hobby or assignment.

Foto af en åben computer med siden Book en bibliotekar åben

The amount of information has exploded. Access to information and knowledge is almost infinite, and so are ways of searching for it. Book a Librarian is a service for people who want to optimise your information retrieval, for example in connection with an assignment or a hobby. 


How to Book

Book a Librarian gives you access to 30 minutes of information retrieval guidance together with a librarian. 

For Students

If you study at UCN (University College of Northern Denmark), please book locally. For more information, go to UCN's webpage. 

If you study at AAU (Aalborg University), please book locally. For more information, go to AAU's webpage.

If you go to school or high school, you can get help from your school's librarian. 

Are you a student? At our page Are you a Student?  we present you an overview of the options you have as a student in Aalborg. Here, we also refer you to the University Library (AUB) and University Collegue of Northern Denmark (UCN). It also informs you of alternatives for finding seating in the city if our seats are taken.