Are You a Student?

Aalborg Libraries have many services to you as a student in Aalborg as a supplement to the library at your study.

Foto af to studerende

At the Main Library located in the centre of Aalborg, you can use our facilities such as free seating and WiFi, you can buy a cup of coffee, and for your breaks, you can even play at the arcade machines.

Library Branches

Besides the Main Library downtown, we have 11 libraries spread across Aalborg Municipality. 

Print, Copy and Scan

If you need to print or scan, we also provide this service. You can print from our public library computers or send your documents to the printers from your own computer. 

Book a Librarian

If you need help with optimising your information retrieval, you can use the service Book a Librarian. Read more at our "Book a Librarian" page here.


Find Seating

With more than 40.000 students in Aalborg, it can sometimes be difficult to find an empty seat at the Main Library.
As an alternative, you can try:

Historie Aalborg – Arkivstræde 1

If you need a quiet place to study, Historie Aalborg is our best recommendation.


AUB – Aalborg University Library

Like Aalborg Libraries, Aalborg University Library (AUB) has a few libraries spread across the city. These libraries are free for everyone during the staffed opening hours, and they are open for students at the university on a 24-hour basis. 

You can read more about AUB and its locations on its website here.


UCN Library

If you are a student at the University College of Northern Denmark (UCN), you can use their libraries. For more information, go to UCNs webpage here.



The Student House (Studenterhuset) is located at Gl. Torv 10, where you can find a quiet spot with free WiFi. You can read about the activities at the Students House here.